Here is an idea for all of you collectors of airmiles or points. I am a big believer in getting as many points as possible, as long as it does not interfere with your normal spending pattern.
The idea is- when you about to buy something, there is a quick and easy way to check that you are getting as many points as you can-
1. By checking the website of the points or miles program and
2. Another way is by checking at the website of the place you are going to buy from.
Here is an example of each of these that I use:
For the first one, I love books and I read a lot. I usually buy my books online (either at Amazon or at Chapters/Indigo) because of their selection and price. As I am also an Airmiles collector, from visiting the website I have found that I can go to, go in to the Amazonwebsite from there, and collect additional Airmiles on the same books at the same prices that I would be buying them at anyway. This also works for and a bunch of other online retailers.
Here is an example of the second kind. Many people like the fact that Airmiles can be collected in stores like grocery stores, pharmacies. However, to be aware of all of the opportunities, you should check the website of your favorite store. I happen to shop at a grocery store called IGA for most of my groceries because a) it’s near to where I live, and b) I can collect Airmiles. It is well known that you can collect Airmiles there as the cashier will always ask fir your card, however, it is not very well known that lGA has an online flyer every week at that can give you extra Airmiles if you print out a coupon online and use it at the store. It may not always be useful as the coupon requires the purchase of a specific item or of a certain amount of groceries, but if you are going to go there anyhow it is worth it to look before you go.
The check only takes a couple of minutes… why not do it?